Ex-Volition Staff Explain Why Red Faction: Armageddon Kind Of Tanked


Armageddon's features were changed or scrapped to keep apart up with new ideas being introduced part way through its development.

Despite having a secure fan following over the years, publisher THQ unfortunately shut down the Red Faction franchise permanently last July after the latest entry in the serial publication, Red Faction: Armageddon, sold well below expectations.

What incisively happened with Armageddon that caused THQ to pull the plug? Several quondam Volition staffers came forth and spoke with Period of play Magazine about their experiences in developing the Red Faction games for a recent have on the series' history. Judgment from some of the comments ready-made by Wayne Adams, the environment artist for Armageddon's predecessor Red Faction: Guerilla, it sounds same Armageddon was the victim of an antique nemesis of the game manufacture, often called "Feature Creep."

"The last game had one defect and that was interference," explained Adams to Swordplay Clip. "What people play, when they play Red Faction: Armageddon, is not what it started out to be. A lot was altered happening the story side of things. Elements were introduced and things had to either be scrapped or re-purposed to keep up with the back."

Usually in the early phases of a game's development, the intention team works with producers and team leads to spell impermissible and plan the entirety of a task from A to Z. Schedules are made, milestones are Seth, tasks are assigned and everyone gets to work. If planned correctly, the project's tasks are prioritized in much a manner thus that complete of the core features are completed first before anything extra. In the result something has to be cut or pushed back, it's something the mettlesome tooshie more than likely live without. It's a unsmooth realness of the industry that everything that's planned in a game's design text file doesn't always make it to the final ware, and sometimes IT's for the best, as with some of the material cut from Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

Feature grovel, however, is a risky phenomenon that can fink in at any time during a game's production cycle. All it takes is individual on the team to starting thinking "Wouldn't it be unfriendly if…?" or else of "Is this best for the visualise?", and suddenly clock time and resources are existence entertained away from acquiring what's important done in favor introducing new features or qualification forceful changes to completed components of the game. It's a tough mind-set to combat, peculiarly for individual who's really passionate about their project.

If you want an fantabulous (albeit extreme) example of how feature creep pot downright destroy a project, ane needs to look no further than Duke Nukem Eternally and how the constant graphics locomotive switches and the unchecked desire to add more features and content ended up sinking feeling 3D Realms and all but killing the game itself.

For at present though, fans of the games leave have to wait and see if THQ will raise Red Camarilla from the heavy sometime in the far future, or if the sci-fi action series is gone always.

Source: Play Magazine


Source: https://www.escapistmagazine.com/ex-volition-staff-explain-why-red-faction-armageddon-kind-of-tanked/

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